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Ottomin Foundation commits to three-year partnership with the Pararoos and ParaMatildas

Ottomin Foundation commits to three-year partnership with the Pararoos and ParaMatildas

On Wednesday 1 February 2023, the Ottomin Foundation confirmed its commitment to Football Australia for its continued financial support of the Pararoos and ParaMatildas for a further three years. At an informal but special ceremony, the Ottomin Foundation Chairman, Mr Richard Kovacs, confirmed funding of

The Taronga Conservation Society and Loreto Kirribilli bring to life student learning partnership

The Taronga Conservation Society and Loreto Kirribilli bring to life student learning partnership

The Ottomin Foundation is delighted to have played a role in facilitating the signing of a student learning partnership between Loreto Kirribilli and the Taronga Conservation Society. The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) by the two parties follows a number of months of

Taronga Team Challenge

Taronga Team Challenge

The wild Sydney weather did not dampen the enthusiasm of attendees at the 2021 Taronga Challenge which took place on Saturday 27 November 2021 despite the city’s inclement weather. The 2021 Derby, an annual fundraising event for the zoo, proceeded with a slightly modified program