It was an awesome celebration of smiles, fun and connection at Sydney Zoo on Sunday 7 July 2024 as Type 1 diabetes children and their families attended the much-awaited Christmas in July family event, proudly supported by the Ottomin Foundation.
After the postponement of the event late last year, this day long special occasion was an opportunity to catch-up with Santa, enjoy face painting and participate in a range of diabetes health sessions against the magnificent backdrop of a world class zoo.
The Type1 Foundation is driven by the motivation to support the emotional journey of Type 1 families by building a stronger and connected Type 1 network and supporting the ‘human element’ of the diagnosis in what is a life-long disease.
The Ottomin Foundation is a proud supporter of the Type1 Foundation whose work isn’t in a cure for Type 1 diabetes but in the health promotion, advocacy and the connection of families who are living with the diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes.